Shareholder Services

Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Stock Purchase Plan

The Plan offers an opportunity to invest in Evergy, Inc. common stock through the following convenient features:

  • Purchase Evergy, Inc. common stock with a minimum initial investment of $250.00.
  • Reinvest all or part of your common stock dividends in additional Evergy, Inc. shares.
  • Make optional cash investments of $50.00 minimum and up to $120,000.00 annually.

You should read the Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Stock Purchase Plan Prospectus carefully before you make your investment choice. To request additional information or a prospectus on the Plan, please contact Computershare Trust Company

Enrolling in the Plan
View and print the plan enrollment form. Complete the information on the form, sign, date and mail to Computershare Trust Company at the address shown below. You can also enroll through Computershare’s website.

DRIP Prospectus

DSPP Enrollment Form

Contact Information

Standard US Postal Mail:
Computershare Trust Company
P.O Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3078

Phone: (866) 239-8177
Courier Delivery:
Computershare Trust Company
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021

Evergy, Inc.
Investor Relations
P.O Box 418679
Kansas City, MO 64141-9679

Access your shareholder account online:

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