                         SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of 
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
    Filed by the Registrant / /
    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant /X/
    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    /X/  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to Rule 14a-11(c) or
         or Rule 14a-12
                         ADT LIMITED
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter) 
                    WESTERN RESOURCES, INC.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement) 
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
/ /  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(i)(2)
/ /  $500 per  each party  to  the controversy  pursuant  to Exchange  Act
     Rule 14a-6(i)(3)
/ /  Fee computed  on   table  below   per  Exchange   Act  Rules  14a-6(i)(4) 
     and 0-11

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: 
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: 
     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction
          computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:*
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
     was determined.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2)  and identify the  filing for which the  offsetting fee was
paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement 
number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:
/x/  Filing fee paid with preliminary filing.

The following news release / employee update was issued by Western Resources,
Inc. on March 11, 1997:

        TOPEKA, Kansas, March 11, 1997 (8:30 am CST) -- Western Resources 
     (NYSE:WR) yesterday filed an amended complaint in the United States 
     District Court for the Southern District of Florida to invalidate 
     ADT's recent revision to its "poison pill".
        The ADT "poison pill" amendment adds what are known as "dead hand" 
     provisions, which attempt to reserve to the current ADT board members 
     the exclusive right to redeem the plan even if they are voted out of 
     office by shareowners who favor Western Resources' offer for ADT.
        "These revisions clearly are intended to interfere with the 
     shareowner vote on Western Resources' proposal to replace the ADT 
     board of directors and is yet another example of ADT's contempt for 
     shareowner voting rights," said John E. Hayes, Jr., Western Resources 
     chairman of the board and chief executive officer.
        "Our view is that these "dead hand" provisions are invalid because 
     they serve no purpose but to entrench management and, consequently, 
     infringe on the rights of shareowners. Western Resources remains 
     commited to ensuring that ADT's shareowners have the opportunity to 
     consider Western Resources' proposed offer for ADT, regardless of the 
     obstacles that the ADT board chooses to place in our path," said 
        Western Resources (NYSE:WR) is a full-service, diversified energy 
     company with total assets of almost $6 billion. Its utilities, KPL and 
     KGE, operating in Kansas and Oklahoma, provide natural gas service to 
     approximately 650,000 customers and electric service to approximately 
     600,000 customers. Through its unregulated subsidiaries, Westar Energy, 
     Westar Security, Westar Capital, and The Wing Group, a full range of 
     energy, security and related products and services are developed and 
     marketed in the continental U.S., and offshore.
        For more information about Western Resources and its operating 
     companies, visit us on the Internet at
     ADT - pg. 2
        Western Resources and Westar may solicit proxies in order to 
     replace the Board of Directors of ADT with their nominees, Steven L. 
     Kitchen and Steven A. Millstein. The participants in this solicitation 
     may include Western Resources and Westar, John E. Hayes, Jr. and David 
     C. Wittig, each a director of Western Resources, and the following 
     executive officers and employees of Western Resources or Westar 
     (unless otherwise indicated, each is an executive officer or employee 
     of Western Resources):  Steven L. Kitchen (E.V.P. and C.F.O.), Carl M. 
     Koupal, Jr. (E.V.P. and C.A.O.), John K. Rosenberg (E.V.P. and G.C.), 
     Jerry D. Courington (Controller), James A. Martin (V.P.), Richard D. 
     Terrill (Secretary), Steven A. Millstein (President, Westar Security), 
     Michel' J. Philipp, Bruce A. Akin, Craig A. Weingartner, Lori A. 
     Finney, Carolyn Starkey and Bruce Burns.
        Westar beneficially owns approximately 27% of the Common Shares of 
     ADT all of which were purchased in privately negotiated and open 
     market purchases during the last two years.
        Other than as set forth herein, as of the date of this news 
     release, neither Western Resources or Westar nor any of their 
     respective directors, executive officers, employees or other 
     representatives, including director nominees, who may solicit proxies 
     has any security holdings in ADT.
        Although Salomon Brothers Inc ("Salomon"), Bear Stearns & Co. Inc. 
     ("Bear Stearns") and Chase Securities Inc. ("Chase"), financial 
     advisors to Western Resources, and Barnes Associates, Inc. ("Barnes 
     Associates") and Deloitte & Touche, consultants to Western Resources, 
     do not admit that they or any of their directors, officers, employees 
     or affiliates are a "participant," as defined in Schedule 14A 
     promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by the 
     Securities and Exchange Commission, or that Schedule 14A requires the 
     disclosure of certain information concerning them, Gregg S. Polle 
     (Managing Director), Arthur H. Tildesley, Jr. (Director), Bill Murphy 
     (Vice President) and Chad Rucker (an Associate), in each case of 
     Salomon, Douglas T. Lake (Senior Managing Director), Rich Osler 
     (Managing Director) and David F. Huff (Vice President), in each case 
     of Bear Stearns, Mark Davis (Managing Director), John Bass (Vice 
     President) and Andrew Quigley (Associate), in each case of Chase, 
     Michael S. Barnes (President) and Mark Gronowski (Senior Vice 
     President), in each case of Barnes Associates, and Tom Flaherty 
     (National Partner) and Chris Bracken (Senior Consultant), in each case 
     of Deloitte & Touche, may assist Western Resources and Westar in such 
     a solicitation. Salomon, Bear Stearns and Chase engage in a full range 
     of investment banking, securities trading, market-making and brokerage 
     services for institutional and individual clients.  In the normal 
     course of their business, Salomon, Bear Stearns and Chase may trade 
     securities of ADT for their own account and the account of their 
     customers and, accordingly, may at any time hold a long or short 
     position in such securities. Salomon Brothers Inc has advised Western 
     Resources that as of December 13, 1996, Salomon held a short position 
     with respect to 10,800 common shares of ADT, and beneficially owned 
     Liquid Yield Option Notes of an affiliate of ADT exchangeable for 
     14,595 common shares of ADT. Bear Stearns and Chase have advised 
     Western Resources that they have no beneficial ownership of securities 
     of ADT or its affiliates. Michael S. Barnes has advised Western 
     Resources that he owns 700 common shares of ADT.
        Except as disclosed above, to the knowledge of Western Resources 
     and Westar, none of Western Resources or Westar, or their respective 
     directors, executive officers, employees or other representatives, 
     including director nominees, named above has any interest, direct or 
     indirect, by security holdings or otherwise, in ADT.
        This news release/employee updated is neither an offer nor an exchange 
     nor a solicitation of an offer to exchange shares of common stock of ADT 
     Limited.  A registration statement relating to the Western Resources 
     securities referred to in this news release has been filed with the 
     Securities and Exchange Commission but has not yet become effective.  
     This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the 
     solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of these 
     securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would 
     be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities 
     laws of any such state.