                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of 
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
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    / /  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to Rule 14a-11(c) or
         or Rule 14a-12
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter) 
                    WESTERN RESOURCES, INC.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement) 
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/ /  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(I)(1), or 14a-6(I)(2)
/ /  $500 per  each party  to  the controversy  pursuant  to Exchange  Act
     Rule 14a-6(I)(3)
/ /  Fee computed  on   table  below   per  Exchange   Act  Rules  14a-6(I)(4) 
     and 0-11

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: 
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: 
     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction
          computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:*
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
     was determined.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2)  and identify the  filing for which the  offsetting fee was
paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement 
number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1) Amount Previously Paid:
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     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:
/x/  Filing fee paid with preliminary filing.

The following presentation was made to the public beginning July 19, 1996:

July 19, 1996

"Facts Not Fiction"

Western Resources/KCPL Exchange Offer

Western Resources and KCPL

The following material contains opinions and beliefs of Western Resources, in
addition to forecasts, projections, and other forward-looking statements that
are based on unaudited forecasted financial data with respect to Western
Resources' exchange offer.  All such forward-looking statements are subject to
the assumptions and variables described in the Western Resources prospectus,
dated July 3, 1996, as it may be amended from time to time.  Reference is made
to the prospectus and proxy statement supplement, dated June 17, 1996 for
complete information about Western Resources' offer.

     This presentation is neither an offer to exchange nor a solicitation of an
offer to exchange shares of common stock of KCPL.  Such offer is made solely by
the Prospectus dated July 3, 1996, and the related Letter of Transmittal, and is
not being made to, nor will tenders be accepted from or on behalf of, holders of
shares of common stock of KCPL in any jurisdiction in which the making of such
offer or the acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the laws of such
jurisdiction.  In any jurisdictions where securities, blue sky or other laws
require such offer to be made by a licensed broker or dealer, such offer shall
be deemed to be made on behalf of Western Resources, Inc. by Solomon Brothers
Inc. or one or more registered brokers or dealers licensed under the laws of
such jurisdiction.

Western Resources and KCPL


UtiliCorp and KCPL management have said:

     Significant rate reductions could adversely impact Western's
     stock price and ability to deliver projected dividends.

     Western Resources' proposal is based on "faulty synergies and
     savings retentions assumptions" and is not credible

     A Western Resources/KCPL merger would create a company ill-
     suited for the industry's future

     Amortization of the KGE acquisition premium represents a
     significant, long-term liability

     Concentrated interest in the Wolf Creek asset means increased
     business risk

     The Western Resources "no layoff" policy is not credible

     Western Resources will not be able to use the "pooling of
     interests" accounting method due to stock options held by 
     KCPL offers

                     Here are the facts .....

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Reasonable regulatory plan


Significant rate reductions could adversely impact Western's stock price and
ability to deliver projected dividends


WR's plan:

     - sponsored $99 million in rates decreases over seven years
     - addresses accelerated depreciation of Wolf Creek
     - in seven years, KCPL and KGE rates below current national

Staff proposes $105 million immediately and does not address Wolf Creek

Key differences between the WR & staff plans is a matter of timing

KCC ultimately makes the determination, not the staff

WR has paid dividends every year since 1924, and has increased them every year
for the last 20 years

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Savings are credible


Western Resources proposal is based on "faulty synergies and savings retentions
assumptions" and is not credible


A WR/KCPL company will be 40 percent larger by assets than UtiliCorp/KCPL and
will share

     - more contiguous service areas
     - 100,000 customers in 26 communities
     - joint interest in more than $2.2 billion of common plant
     - interconnection through five 345 kV lines

Western Resources has demonstrated experience with mergers and acquisitions

     - successful (Gas Service; KGE)
     - fully-integrated
     - attained savings

WR savings estimates are consistent with other industry mergers and acquisitions

Both WR's and UtiliCorp/KCPL's rate reduction plans return about one-third in
savings to customers

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Savings are credible

Bar graph:

Potential headcount reductions
(% of Total Company)

Low    3.4%
Average 8.5%
High 11.0%
WR/KCPL 7.3%

Bar graph:

Nonfuel O&M Savings - Year 5
(% of Nonfuel Expenses)

Low    5.0%
Average 9.5%
High 15.3%
WR/KCPL 10.7%

Bar graph:

Fuel Savings - Year 5
(% of Fuel Expenses)

Low    0.0%
Average 1.0%
High 3.8%
WR/KCPL 1.2%

Information based on the last nine transactions prior to WR/KCPL offer

Source: WR/KCPL Synergies Quantification

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: A well-suited partner

A Western Resources/KCPL merger would create a company ill-suited for industry's

Western Resources' growth strategy
     - strong core business (KPL/KGE/Gas Service)
     - significant regional presence (natural gas & electric
     - strategic national competitor (Westar)
     - selective international investments (Wing Group)

Financial similarities
     - WR's credit rating of A-**versus UtiliCorp's BBB*
     - WR's return on average equity of 11.1 percent versus
       UtiliCorp's 8.4 percent*
     - WR's total debt/total capital ratio of 47 percent versus
       UtiliCorp's 61 percent*
     - WR's payout ratio of 74 percent versus UtiliCorp's 100

WR's requires fewer regulatory approvals than UtiliCorp

WR's integration of service areas demonstrably easier

 * Source: 1995 Annual reports
** Western Resources has been placed on credit watch with negative implications,
which Western Resources believes is normal for companies involved in merger

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Premium is an asset


Amortization of the KGE acquisition premium represents a significant, long-term


Western Resources received favorable regulatory treatment of the KGE acquisition

     - acquisition premium being recovered through savings
     - acquisition premium earning a return through savings

UtiliCorp has significant unrecovered acquisition premium with no regulatory
recovery plan

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Wolf Creek -- a sound venture

     Concentrated interest in the Wolf Creek asset means increased business risk

     Sound venture:
     -  Wolf Creek shares proven design and service record with Callaway
     -  strong management
     -  high INPO and SALP rankings
     -  top 1995 electric production
     -  solid safety record

     Concentration of interest:
     -  KCPL -- 38% of total assets & 60% of total capitalization
     -  Western Resources -- 20% of total assets & 34% of total capitalization
     -  after combination, aggregate interest in line with industry average

     Commitment to lower Wolf Creek's cost

     Wolf Creek ownership was not an issue when KCPL made its bid for KGE in

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: No employee layoffs

          The Western Resources "no layoff" policy is not credible

          WR is committed to no employee layoffs in WR or KCPL

          Proposal calls for reduction of 531 positions, not employees, managed
by:       -  controlled hiring -- during the last six months 138 WR          
               positions held vacant
          -  normal annual attrition of 2-3%
          -  early retirement options

          Proven success with KGE

          Job opportunities increase with WR business units locating in Kansas 
            City and Wichita

          UtiliCorp/KCPL - reduction of more than 200 positions

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Employee layoffs

          "The company expects to ... reduce its current employment level
          and reallocate resources to better support the company's strategy.
          The current estimate of ultimate employee severance costs is $4.7
          million.  Using a combination of normal attrition and voluntary 
          and involuntary programs to reduce employee related costs."
          [emphasis added]

               UtiliCorp Form 10Q
               June 1995

     Western Resources
          "There will be no layoffs as a result of this merger."

               John E. Hayes, Jr.
               Chairman of the Board
               and Chief Executive Officer
               Western Resources, Inc.
               July 19, 1996

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Pooling of interest

          Western Resources will not be able to use "pooling of interest"
accounting due to stock options held by KCPL officers

          Generally, if the Western Resources/KCPL combination doesn't qualify,
          neither will a UtiliCorp/KCPL transaction

          KCPL options held by insiders reflect an insignificant amount and we 
            believe will not affect pooling

          A KCPL pooling violation is at the KCPL board's discretion and we  
           believe violates their fiduciary responsibilities to the more than  
           99 percent of KCPL'S common shareowners whose interest they represent

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Customer advantages

     KCPL rates decrease $28 million per year
     -    honor Missouri rate reduction of $20 million per year
     -    reduce KCPL rates $8 million in Kansas (30% better than UCU/KCPL

     KGE Rates decrease $10 million per year

     No electric rates increase for five years

     KCPL and KGE rates will all be 10 percent below current national average
     within seven years under the Western Resources plan

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Promises made & kept

     Western Resources' 1992 merger with Kansas Gas and Electric
     -  $32 million in customer rebates
     -  no layoffs of KGE or KPL employees
     -  millions of dollars in savings, consistent with projections
     -  KGE headquarters remains in Wichita

     All promised and delivered!

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: UtiliCorp's track record

What Rick Green says .....

"We strive to manage our growth to avoid the problems that can occur while
adding new properties and businesses."
"The ..... businesses we develop must be well positioned and well managed.
(UtiliCorp Annual Report 1990, p. 11 & p. 12)

"To begin with we are selective in our acquisitions."
"Our commitments to profitable long-term growth has not changed.  Nor have the
principles we will follow in achieving that growth."
(UtiliCorp Annual Report 1990, p. 11 & p. 12)

"This approach has proven to be beneficial for UtiliCorp's ... shareholders....
That is why we look forward to similar growth in the years ahead." (UtiliCorp
Annual Report 1990, p. 12)

"Our target for earnings growth in 1995 is again 4 to 6 percent."  (Rick Green's
letter to shareholders in the 1994 annual report, p. 7)

"In terms of laying a solid foundation for the future, 1995 was the greatest
growth year in your company's history."  (Rick Green's letter to shareholders in
the 1995 annual report, p. 2)

What Rick Green does .....

In 1992, UtiliCorp recognized an $18 million pretax charge to earnings related
to improper payments by employees of its wholly owned subsidiary, Aquila Energy
Resources.  This was followed by class action shareholder suit alleging
securities fraud and failure to disclose massive misappropriation of funds. (See
UtiliCorp 1994 Annual Report, p. 46 and Alper et. al. v. UtiliCorp United, Inc.)

Since 1984, UtiliCorp has acquired properties in Canada, Australia, United
Kingdom, Jamaica and various non-contiguous United States with little or no
operational integration.

These investment principles have caused UtiliCorp to record write-offs in excess
of $120 million reflecting losses on bad investments and employee fraud since
1992.  (See UtiliCorp 1995 Annual Report, pp. 45 & 46, and UtiliCorp 1994 Annual
Report, p. 46)

The 10 year average growth rate in UtiliCorp's earnings-per-share was a negative
 .45% (See UtiliCorp 1995 Annual Report, p. 57)

UtiliCorp had invested, at year-end 1995, some $1.8 billion in non-electric and
non-gas assets (46% of total assets) which earned below pass book.  For the
1993-1994 period, the rate of return on these assets was negative.
(See UtiliCorp 1995 Annual Report, p. 54)

"UtiliCorp's 1995 earnings available for common shares were $77.7 million or 15%
below earnings available in 1994."  (See UtiliCorp 1995 Annual Report, p. 24)

1995 earnings per share were 17% below 1994 earnings per share.  (See UtiliCorp
1995 Annual Report, p. 37)

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Western Resources' track record

Line graph:

Since KPL/KGE merger, Net Income (millions)
                         Actual           Projected
1992                     127.9             166.5
1993                     177.4             162.5
1994                     187.4             171.0
1995                     181.7             179.1

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Western Resources' track record

Line graph:

Since KPL/KGE merger, Earnings Per Share

                         Actual           Projected
1992                     $2.20             $2.60
1993                     $2.76             $2.53
1994                     $2.82             $2.68
1995                     $2.71             $2.81

Western Resources and KCPL

Fact: Bottom line -- WR offers better value:

             Western                                    Western
             Resources'                                 Resources'
             Offer (1)              KCPL                Premium
Price        $31.00              $23.875 (2)             30%

Current indicated
dividend per KCPL
share        $1.92-$2.27          $1.56                 23%-45%

Indicated dividend
at closing per KCPL
share        $2.00-$2.35          $1.85  (3)            8%-27%

(1) Subject to exchange ratio of 0.933-1.100 Western Resources shares for each
KCPL share. Dividend at closing based on 1998 post-merger annual dividend rate
of $2.14 per Western Resources' share as projected in Western Resources'
exchange offer and the exchange ratio. Western Resources' current indicated
annual dividend is $2.06 per share

(2) KCPL closing share price on April 12, 1996, the last trading day before the
public announcement of the initial Western Resources offer

(3) Based on announcement by KCPL/UCU of intent to recommend an annual dividend
rate of $1.85 per share following the close of the proposed combination of KCPL
and UCU

Western Resources and KCPL

This presentation is neither an offer to exchange nor a solicitation of an offer
to exchange shares of common stock of KCPL.  Such offer is made solely by the
Prospectus dated July 3, 1996, and  the related Letter of Transmittal, and is
not being made to, nor will tenders be accepted from or on behalf of, holders
of shares of common stock of KCPL in any jurisdiction in which the making of
such offer or the acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the laws
of such jurisdiction. In any jurisdictions where securities, blue sky or
other laws require such offer to be made by a licensed broker or dealer, such
offer shall be deemed to be made on behalf of Western Resources, Inc. by
Salomon Brothers Inc. or one or more registered brokers or dealers licensed
under the laws of such jurisdiction.