
                               Washington, D.C.

                                  FORM U-3A-2

                              For Year Ended 1993

                     Statement by Holding Company Claiming
                     Exemption Under Rule U-3A-2 from the
                   Provisions of the Public Utility Holding
                              Company Act of 1935

                       Kansas City Power & Light Company
                               (Name of Company)

    Kansas City Power & Light Company ("KCPL") hereby files with the Securities
and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 2, its statement claiming exemption as
a holding company from the provisions of the Public Utility Holding Company Act
of 1935, and submits the following information:

     1.   KCPL is a Missouri corporation whose principal executive offices are
located at 1201 Walnut, Kansas City, Missouri 64106.  KCPL's principal business
consists of the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity. 
KCPL provides retail electric service to over 419,000 customers in a 4,700 
square mile area located in all or portions of 23 counties in western 
Missouri and eastern Kansas and sells electricity at wholesale to twelve

     KCPL has three subsidiaries.  Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation
("WCNOC"), a Delaware corporation, incorporated on April 14, 1986 to operate and
maintain the Wolf Creek Generating Station ("Wolf Creek") for the benefit of the
station owners.  Wolf Creek and WCNOC are each owned by KCPL and two non-
affiliated electric utilities, Kansas Gas and Electric Company ("KG&E") a 
wholly-owned subsidiary of Western Resources and Kansas Electric Power 
Cooperative ("KEPCo") (collectively, the "Wolf Creek Owners") in the following
percentages: KCPL, 47%, KG&E, 47%, and KEPCo, 6%.  WYMO Fuels, Inc., a wholly-
owned Missouri corporation, organized on August 5, 1976, for the acquisition and
development of coal properties.  KLT Inc., a wholly-owned Missouri
corporation, organized on November 3, 1992, to invest through several KLT 
companies in non-regulated, energy related enterprises.

     2.   The electric generating stations of KCPL and their locations are as
                                             Year        Megawatt(mw)
                  Unit                     Completed       Capacity     Fuel  

Existing Units
  Base Load......Wolf Creek                  1985           545(a)    Nuclear
                 Iatan                       1980           469(a)    Coal
                 LaCygne 2                   1977           335(a)    Coal
                 LaCygne 1                   1973           343(a)    Coal
                 Hawthorn 5                  1969           457       Coal/Gas
                 Montrose 3                  1964           161       Coal
                 Montrose 2                  1960           152       Coal
                 Montrose 1                  1958           150       Coal
  Peak Load......Northeast 13 and 14(b)      1976           112       Oil
                 Northeast 17 and 18(b)      1977           108       Oil       
                 Northeast 15 and 16(b)      1975           103       Oil
                 Northeast 11 and 12(b)      1972            99       Oil
                 Grand Avenue (two units)   1929 & 1948     64        Gas


    (a)  Company's share of jointly-owned unit.  
    (b)  Combustion turbines.  

     KCPL owns the Hawthorn (Jackson County, Missouri), Montrose (Henry County,
Missouri), and Northeast (Jackson County, Missouri) generating stations;  50% of
LaCygne 1 and LaCygne 2 Units (Linn County, Kansas); 70% of the Iatan Unit
(Platte County, Missouri); and 47% of the Wolf Creek Station (Coffey County,
Kansas). KCPL also owns two Grand Avenue turbine-generators (Jackson County,

     KCPL owns transmission and distribution facilities used in the sale of
electric energy to customers through its service territory.  Its transmission
system is interconnected with systems of other utilities to permit direct
interchange transactions with other power suppliers in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa,
Nebraska and Minnesota.  KCPL is a member of the MOKAN Power Pool, which is a
contractual arrangement among eleven utilities in Western Missouri and Kansas
which interchange energy, share reserve capacity and provide emergency and
standby services to each other.

     KCPL owns approximately 1,700 overhead pole miles of transmission lines and
approximately 8,900 overhead pole miles and 2,700 underground trench miles of
distribution lines.  Approximately 800 overhead pole miles of such transmission
lines are located in the State of Kansas.  KCPL has all franchises necessary to
operate within the territory from which substantially all of its gross operating
revenue is derived.

     3.  (a)-(d)


          Electric Energy Sold During 1993

                                    Missouri         Kansas          Total
                                      (Mwh)           (Mwh)          (Mwh)

               Retail              7,432,472       3,871,383      11,303,855
               Wholesale              55,468          53,113         108,581

          During 1993, KCPL purchased 820,518 Mwh of electric energy from
          outside the State of Missouri, and had bulk power sales of 562,448 Mwh
          outside the State of Missouri.  


          None of the subsidiaries has sales or purchases of electric energy.  

                               S I G N A T U R E
      The above-named claimant has caused this statement to be duly executed
on its behalf by its authorized officer on this 25th day of February, 1994.

                                      KANSAS CITY POWER & LIGHT COMPANY
                                              (Name of claimant)

                                           \s\ Samuel P. Cowley        
                                               Samuel P. Cowley
                                            Senior Vice President
Corporate Seal


     \s\Jeanie Sell Latz     
      Corporate Secretary

Name, title and address of officer to whom notices and correspondence
concerning this statement should be addressed:

                        Samuel P. Cowley
                        Senior Vice President
                        Kansas City Power & Light Company
                        1201 Walnut
                        Kansas City, Missouri 64106

                                                                      Exhibit A

      Attached is a copy of the 1993 Consolidated Balance Sheets,
Statements of Income, and Statements of Retained Earnings for KCPL
and its subsidiaries with WCNOC and WYMO Fuels, Inc. handled as

1)    WCNOC is the operating agent for Wolf Creek and is owned 47%
by KCPL.  KCPLs $47 investment in WCNOC is carried in Investments
and Nonutility Property on the consolidated balance sheet.  All of
Wolf Creek assets are owned by KCPL, KG&E and KEPCo ("Owners"). 
Since WCNOC is operating solely as an agent of the Owners, KCPL
classifies, in its consolidated financial statements, the payables,
expenses and receipts (if any) incurred by WCNOC as if such items
had been incurred by KCPL.  WCNOC has no revenue or income. 
Payment for expenses is made from checking accounts owned and
funded by the Owners.

2)    WYMO Fuels, Inc. is an inactive corporation.  KCPL's Balance
Sheet Account - Investments and Nonutility Property includes
$788,565 representing the remaining investment in WYMO Fuels, Inc. 
Such investment represents the tax benefits applicable to the cost
of fixed assets written off for book purposes but not for tax
purposes.  This investment is carried on an equity basis and is
considered immaterial for consolidation purposes when compared to
KCPL's $2.8 billion balance sheet.

                         KANSAS CITY POWER & LIGHT COMPANY
                            CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                  December 31      December 31
                                                      1993             1992
ASSETS                                                     (Thousands)

UTILITY PLANT, at original cost 
 Electric                                         $  3,240,384     $ 3,133,059
 Less-Accumulated depreciation                       1,019,714         948,266
  Net utility plant in service                       2,220,670       2,184,793
 Construction work in progress                          67,766          65,965
 Nuclear fuel, net of amortization of
  $76,722,000 and $78,735,000                           29,862          34,210
   Total                                             2,318,298       2,284,968

REGULATORY ASSET - DEFERRED WOLF CREEK COSTS            29,118          39,484

REGULATORY ASSET - RECOVERABLE TAXES                   122,000          94,000

INVESTMENTS AND NONUTILITY PROPERTY                     28,454          27,570

 Cash                                                    1,539             128
 Special deposit for the retirement of debt             60,118              - 
  Customer accounts receivable                          29,320          14,372
  Other receivables                                     19,340          24,043
 Fuel inventories, at average cost                      14,550          20,625
 Materials and supplies, at average cost                44,157          45,263
 Prepayments                                             4,686           4,209
 Deferred income taxes                                   3,648           5,553
   Total                                               177,358         114,193

 Regulatory Assets 
  Settlement of fuel contracts                          20,634          25,751
  KCC Wolf Creek carrying costs                          9,575          12,311
  MPSC rate phase-in plan                                   -            7,072
  Other                                                 31,899          26,798
 Other deferred charges                                 17,732          14,776
   Total                                                79,840          86,708

   Total                                          $  2,755,068     $ 2,646,923


 Common stock-authorized 150,000,000 shares
  without par value-61,908,726 shares issued
  and outstanding-stated value                    $    449,697     $   449,697
 Retained earnings                                     418,201         405,985
 Capital stock premium and expense                      (1,747)         (1,758)
 Common stock equity                                   866,151         853,924
 Cumulative preferred stock                             89,000          89,000
 Cumulative preferred stock (redeemable)                 1,756           1,916
 Long-term debt                                        733,664         788,209
   Total                                             1,690,571       1,733,049

 Notes payable to banks                                  4,000              - 
 Commercial paper                                       25,000          33,000
 Current maturities of long-term debt                  134,488          26,500
 Accounts payable                                       59,421          77,162
 Dividends declared                                        423             423
 Accrued taxes                                          27,800          19,864
 Accrued interest                                       15,575          12,949
 Accrued payroll and vacations                          20,127          18,044
 Accrued refueling outage costs                          7,262          12,600
 Other                                                   8,531           7,631
   Total                                               302,627         208,173

 Deferred income taxes                                 627,819         576,222
 Deferred investment tax credits                        87,185          91,530
 Other                                                  46,866          37,949
   Total                                               761,870         705,701


   Total                                          $  2,755,068     $ 2,646,923

                         KANSAS CITY POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

                                                   Year Ended December 31

                                               1993         1992        1991

ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES                $  857,450   $  802,668  $  825,101

  Fuel                                        130,117      130,032     132,100
  Purchased power                              31,403       21,868      22,226
  Other                                       184,633      175,937     162,548
 Maintenance                                   78,550       81,163      80,922
 Depreciation                                  91,110       88,768      86,795
  Income                                       69,502       51,691      61,871
  General                                      95,659       92,461      88,525
 Amortization of
  MPSC rate phase-in plan                       7,072        7,072       7,072
  Deferred Wolf Creek costs                    13,102       13,102      11,734
   Total                                      701,148      662,094     653,793

OPERATING INCOME                              156,302      140,574     171,308

 Allowance for equity funds used during
  construction                                  2,846        1,073         539
 Deferred Wolf Creek carrying
  costs                                            -            -          791
 Miscellaneous                                 (2,486)       2,595      (3,829)
 Income taxes                                   1,549         (505)      1,593
   Total                                        1,909        3,163        (906)

INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES                158,211      143,737     170,402

 Long-term debt                                50,118       54,266      63,057
 Short-term notes                                 750        2,749       3,299
 Miscellaneous                                  4,113        2,173       2,665
 Allowance for borrowed funds used during
  construction                                 (2,542)      (1,785)     (2,512)
   Total                                       52,439       57,403      66,509

 Net income                                   105,772       86,334     103,893
 Preferred stock dividend requirements          3,153        3,062       6,023
 Earnings available for common stock       $  102,619   $   83,272  $   97,870

 Average number of common shares
  outstanding                              61,908,726   61,908,726  61,908,726
 Earnings per common share                 $     1.66   $     1.35  $     1.58
 Cash dividends per common share           $     1.46   $     1.43  $     1.37

                                                Year ended December 31
                                              1993       1992        1991
                                                    (in thousands)         
Beginning Balance                          $ 405,985  $ 411,161   $ 399,294
Net Income                                   105,772     86,334     103,893

                                             511,757    497,495     503,187
Premium on Reacquired Preferred Stock             -         233       1,794
Dividends Declared:
   Preferred Stock, at required rates          3,169      2,747       5,417
   Common Stock - $1.46, $1.43 and $1.37
    per share                                 90,387     88,530      84,815
Ending Balance                             $ 418,201  $ 405,985   $ 411,161

                                                          Exhibit B 

                          KANSAS CITY POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

                               FINANCIAL DATA SCHEDULE

                                                          December 31
        Item No.                                              1993   

          1            Total Assets                       $2,755,068

          2            Total Operating Revenues           $  857,450

          3            Net Income                         $  105,772